F.A.Q. - Frequently Asked Questions

When in doubt, ask us!

Q. Which is the best time of the day to workout?

Any time of the day is good for exercise. Don't workout immediately after a heavy meal. Give at least one hour gap and then exercise. If the meal is a snack then half an hour gap is sufficient.

Q. What is the best time to stretch?

You should always stretch after work out. When you exercise, you increase the tension in the muscles. Stretching helps your muscles to relax. So, stretching before the workout, your muscles hardly get any time to stay in the relaxed state. Moreover, after workout, your muscles are warm which reduces the risk of injury due to stretching. Never stretch a cold muscle.

Q. What are the focus areas for a beginner?

A beginner should focus on getting his/her form right and not on lifting heavy weight. Strengthening postural muscles (back and abdomen) will help to maintain correct form. First, get the basics right. This will ensure less injuries and greater workout gains.

Q. How much weight should one lift to build big muscles?

It's a myth that Bodybuilders can lift more weight as they have big muscles. They have big muscles because they lift heavy weight. Its simple, "Big muscles are Strong muscles". Increase the weight that you lift step by step. Don't try to lift the biggest dumbbell or you may end up with a serious injury.

Q. What is a healthy way to lose weight?

Weight loss can occur when you lose fat, water, and muscle. Maintaining muscle mass and losing fat is the healthy way of losing weight. Target Fat Loss and not Weight Loss.

Q. Which is better, machines or free weights?

Both, machines and free weights have their own significance. Machines have become more popular now a days as they reduce the risk of injury. But, if you want to build big muscles there is nothing like free weights.

Q. When should one change his/her exercise routine?

You should change your exercise routine every four weeks. This will prevent your body from adapting to a particular routine and help you get better results.

Q. When should one consume water?

You can consume water throughout the exercise. You lose lot of water in the form of sweat and water vapour (through breathing). It is important to restore your water levels from time to time for overall body functioning.

Q. What food one should consume before and after exercise?

Consume carbohydrates 45 minutes before exercise. A good mix of simple and complex carbohydrates will ensure sustained glucose levels. Your body depends on blood glucose and muscle glycogen (glucose stored in the muscles) for energy during workout. Consume a good mix of carbohydrate and protein after workout. Carbohydrate will help to restore depleted glucose-stores, and protein will help in recovery and growth of muscles.

Q. What ratio of Fat : Protein : Carbohydrate one should follow in his/her diet?

It is advisable to follow 1 : 2 : 3 ratio of Fat : Protein : Carbohydrate in your diet under normal conditions.

Q. Is it necessary to take protein supplements for better recovery?

Undoubtedly, protein supplements help in better and fast recovery of muscles. You need them only if you are not having complete protein food like chicken, eggs etc. Vegetarian food lacks in few essential amino acids (building blocks of protein) which affects growth and recovery. They are very much useful if, you are into performance training (like professional athletes).

Q. I travel frequently for work. What is the best way to keep up with my workout?

Hotel room workout is the best way to maintain the exercise discipline during travel. Start with 5 minutes of spot marching for warm-up, followed by squats, push-ups and crunches. Do three sets of 15 to 20 repetitions each in a circuit fashion. Do not forget to stretch after workout. Ensure proper form to avoid injuries.

- Absolute Fitness Management