Fitness Articles

An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.

#1. Back Pain and How to Avoid it

80% of the population suffers from back-pain or will experience the same sometime or the other. Humans maintain and perform activities in the upright position. Most injuries to the spine occur when the spine is flexed and/or twisted, jeopardizing its normal curvature. The back muscles which play a major role in holding the spine in proper alignment, the vertebrae in place and for withstanding the pressure on the discs must be strengthened.

Strengthening the core muscles (abdomen, oblique and back muscles) can help avoid back injuries. The back muscles play a major role in stabilization. It must be done in a Static Position, and Dynamically, through the full range of motion.

To avoid discomfort in joints, 30 minutes of resistance training, thrice a week and cardio on alternate days is a must.

#2. Stretching the Right Way

Many times in weight training or other physical activities, you don’t move a joint through its full range of motion. Thousands of repetitions of the same type of limited range exercises can reduce its flexibility. Then you try to make that last lift or increase the weight for the final set and their goes your back or shoulder. Months of training and gains are lost due to injury.

The fact - you have been told to do it and you know that you should, but you just don’t stretch. Whatever be the excuse, after all you have to do what you have to do.

Athletes have been trying the innovative technique of stretching called Active Isolated Stretching for years. This technique can produce amazing results in track athletes. Try it yourself to increase flexibility and reduce post workout muscle soreness.

Follow the four basic principles of active isolated stretching:

  • All stretches utilize contraction of the antagonist (the muscle working in the opposite manner to the working muscle - agonist) ensuring that the muscle being stretched is relaxed rendering a more effective stretch
  • Hold each stretch for 1.5 to 2 seconds and repeat for 8-10 repetitions
  • Use a rope or towel to assist the last part of most stretches
  • Exhale while contracting the antagonist muscle to promote relaxation